Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The 2nd Annual Evening of Art, Literature & Charity

Wow! I haven't blogged in forever...Well, me and the ladies did it again! We pulled off The 2nd Annual Evening of Art, Literature and Charity successfully. There were a lot of struggles along the way, but it was such a wonderful learning experience and blessing to see how everything came together in the end. Siana and I displayed our art work and Monica released her 2nd novel Loves Me Loves Me Not. We had two live performances, a live band, poetry, food, drinks, raffled off some amazing items and had a special presentation from our selected charity Alternatives for Girls. There were so many people in attendance I couldn't even believe it. It's just so wonderful to see how many people actually love and support us. I'm excited to get started on the next one and see where it takes us. I couldn't even imagine doing this without my wonderful best friend Monica Sholar and my dear sister Siana Treece. They are amazing!! Here's a link to all of the photos from the night. http://www.smile4mestudios.com/Arthur-Galleries/Special-Events/2nd-Annual-Evening-of-Art/16664691_rGQ4RT#1256538908_8fjpDVT

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Check out Artistic Expressions Gallery on TV! :)

Siana and I have been very busy with Artistic Expressions Gallery. We've had a few mini showings, we're planning our next major show for 2011 and we recently were interviewed for a television show. It will be airing on "The Scent of Fashion" on Friday Nov. 19th on Comcast Cable's Total Living Network (TLN). You can also catch it online today for a sneak peak! (Click the link below) God is so good and I'm grateful for every opportunity he brings our way!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dream it. Feel it. Think it. Do it.

Let's see where to start....Well I took my vacation to Miami with the girls a few weekends ago and we had a blast! One of my goals checked off my list! I'm excited that I have almost completed all of my 2010 goals already. Now it's time to create a new list with even bigger and better goals to tackle. Writing down goal and to-do lists truly keeps me motivated and focused. Sometimes you may not know how the task will possibly be carried out but the universe and God will move things around to bring your vision and dreams to fruition. I've really been taking the time to stay motivated on reaching my goals; staying positive even when things get hard. So to all of you I wish good luck reaching and achieving your goals and hopefully you can return the favor and send some positive energy my way! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Missing planner found!

Woohoo! Found my planner! Back in business. :)

Told you it was cute!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Missing planner

I'm highly disturbed upon realizing that my beloved planner is MIA!! For as long as I can remember every year I run to CVS or Office Max or Depot to grab a new planner for the upcoming year. During that year I write everything down. My appointments, to do lists, important notes etc. I stash receipts and small papers in the pockets and overall it keeps my life in order! So after all these years this is the first time that I have just lost a planner. So I am hoping that I'll be able to find it in the midst of my messy car or some other place. If not I guess I will just have to go out and buy a replacement and try to regroup. :( Also, to top it all off it was the cutest planner I've ever had in life. :( :(

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Getting Bikini Ready ;)

Wow, summer is here! The weather was great today. I do realize that we are in Michigan though and this could do a complete 180 at any moment...The summer coming means my birthday will be here before you know it! I am excited to be going on a vaca with my girls to celebrate and have really been working hard to be bikini ready! ;) I have actually been doing exercises nearly everyday and yesterday I even took a 20 minute walk. For me that is drastic seeing as how I never ever work out what so ever but it feels good and I'm seeing results already!

I'll end this post with a few new projects I've worked on. I've done a lot of things for health care related companies lately. Here are three of them. (Harlin's Helpers I may have previously posted but the brochure design was not included.)

Till next time!